EFT For Anger & Resentment Over A Situation Or Result

This is a very loud and passionate tapping session... If you are new to this work, you will likely be quite surprised - because we 'really go for it' in this type of tapping. By emphasising the emotion, you bring up what is already there and then we heal it.

So allow yourself to be LOUD. Get yourself privacy. You may need a cushion to SCREAM INTO if sound privacy is a problem.

If you are feeling stuck and angry at a result in your life... It is the consequence of a decision you made. Even if someone else did something to you - you still made a decision that put you around that person. This tap is all about healing the pain that comes from making poor decisions and getting results you really dont like.

By the end of this session you will feel energized and have a lot more clarity.

Please grab a pen and paper, as you will need it at the end of this session.

Journaling questions for after the session:

  1. What are the next steps for me?
  2. How can I make tomorrow a better morning?
  3. How can I make tomorrow a better day?
  4. What do I need to do to really care for myself?
  5. What are the next steps to take to really care for me?
  6. What are the next steps to take to get a good result?
  7. Whats something easy that I can do that will help me feel really good AND be good for my long term health and happiness?

Complete and Continue